Have questions?
Please Call Us
(530) 365-9093
Office Hours
9am - 5pm
10am - 2pm

Private Cremation
All pets entrusted to Sleepy Hollow for private cremation are cremated separately, partitioned within the cremation chamber, in one of our two on-site crematories. Sleepy Hollow has adopted strict procedures to ensure the identity and the integrity of your pet’s cremains. For pet’s returning home, cremains are placed in our complimentary decorative tin urn or in one of our many specialty urns you can purchase for your beloved pet. Cremains can also be scattered in our St. Francis of Assisi Garden by your family or by our caring staff. You may also choose to bury your pet’s cremains here at Sleepy Hollow. Please see burial services.
Please note: You may bring your deceased pet to us anytime during our office hours. No appointment is needed as one or more of our staff are always here to assist you.

Tin Urn
Enhanced Private Cremation Services
*These personalized services are available upon request with an additional fee and by appointment only.
Individual Cremation
You may request that your pet be placed alone inside the crematory chamber.

Same Day Cremation
Arrangements need to be made in advance to have your pet cremated the same day you bring your pet to Sleepy Hollow. Depending on our scheduling, you may be able to return later in the day or the next morning to receive your pet's cremains.
Attended Cremation
Families can arrange to be included in the cremation process. You will need to call at least 3 days in advance to schedule an early morning appointment. This service will provide you with the opportunity to say “a last good-bye” and view the placement of your pet in the crematory chamber. You will then return in a few hours to witness the removal and processing of your pet’s cremated remains and take your pet's cremains home.
Other Private Cremation Services
Family Cremation
Unfortunately, some families may lose more than one pet at the same time. This service allows for family pets to be cremated together and their cremains secured in a single cremation pouch and placed in one urn. The cost for the family cremation is determined by the combined weight of the pets. For cremation cost, please refer to Private Cremation for pricing for pets up to 100 lbs. For combined pet weights over 100 lbs, please call us for the cremation cost.
Group Cremation
With group cremation, multiple pets are placed inside the crematory chamber and cremated together. Since all of the cremains are co-mingled, your pet’s cremains cannot be returned to you. Group cremains are buried on Sleepy Hollow’s property but not in the public cemetery area. Visitation to this area is not possible.
Gift of Love Memorial

We do invite all pet parents and their family to visit the park where they can see THE GIFT OF LOVE MEMORIAL dedicated to all beloved pets. This memorial bears the words, "Let us thank God for those special and much loved little creatures, Our Pets, who have so brightened our lives with their gift of love to us". This memorial is dedicated to all pets that brought love and happiness into our lives and are no longer with us. Any family may honor their pet by placing a special photo-metal plaque on our Gift of Love Memorial Wall. A family may purchase a plaque in memory of their pet that was lost, buried at home, privately or group cremated or who simply wishes to memorialize their pet for any reason.